Monday, September 30, 2013

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Reports about Selena Gomez being pregnant got started when Selena was seen with Justin Bieber on a Caribbean vacation with the two of them kissing. It didn't take much time before the mainstream media received word that she would be the next teenage star to also be a mom.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

The mad drama involving the Selena Gomez Video and Miley's blatant attack has spurred on for a long time and has created a big divide between Disney's teen fans. Team Selena and Team Miley has been going at it non-stop long after the two stars have settled their feud in public as evident in the apology Miley Cyrus let out.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

They were being funny on their show, and [as] Elvis says, 'Imitation is the greatest form of flattery,' so we were, like, imitating them. You know, like, being funny.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

In this kind of situation I have to say, all statements that will emerge is only an affirmation of the sin. No excuse can ever cover up something like Miley did. Imitation and mockery are two different things and what Miley did to that Selena Gomez video, that's definitely not just imitation. Whoever thought of that excuse didn't think hard enough. The best way to go about this issue, I think is for Miley to just admit whatever her issues are. People forgive those who apologize sincerely and this statement is not even an apology. It's basically Miley trying to justify her actions so she still comes out as the good girl.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

In several Selena Gomez videos that shows her talking about Miley, all she ever said was that they were "in an OK status" I may not be a mind-reader but I think that given their age, they wouldn't let go of something like that so easily. Deep inside they still probably hate each other's guts but that's not something they want to share out in the open right? Especially since Selena Gomez is being geared to be Disney's new favorite teen girl and all eyes are fixated on her.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

These two girls are both very pretty and talented. Also, they're very young. In this age where they're not entirely conscious of their actions yet, the world can overlook it. That doesn't mean the fans will though, with the prominence of fan girls from both camps duking it out in every social site on the internet, the rivalry between Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez might stay for good. I'm not on anybody's side but since I haven't seen a Selena Gomez video going all out and mocking Miley Cyrus, I might have to give her more points. We can't completely condemn Miley though. If ever her supposedly break-up with Nick Jonas was really the reason for her actions, then maybe we ought to give her some more time to move on. Everybody does stupid things when they're hurt after all.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.
Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach

Selena Gomez Beach